Course curriculum

  • 2

    Week 1. 50/50 concepts, breaking mechanics and defenses

    • 1. 50/50 separation and defense

    • 2. 50/50 breaking mechanics

    • 3. Defense: Toe slip to 80-20

  • 3

    Week 2. Backside 50/50 concepts and finishing

    • 1. RDLR to Backside 50/50

    • 2.Backside 50/50 rotational finish

    • 3. RDLR to Cross Ashi

  • 4

    Week 3. Attacking from open guard

    • 1. Open guard principles and double kouchi to shin to shin

    • 2. Double Kouchi - Ashi garami off-balances and Cross Ashi

    • 3. Double Kouchi to Single leg and mat return

  • 5

    Week 4. Options from the Collar tie

    • 1. Collar tie - misdirection snapdown

    • 2. Getting the underhook from collar tie / Shock to the back

    • 3. Underhook Shock to single leg / bodylock

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    Week 5. Options from bottom HQ

    • 1. Sumigaeshi from HQ

    • 2. Wrestling up from HQ

    • 3. Entering X-Guard from HQ

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    Week 6 - Loose pass to tight waist

    • 1. X-pass / Leading with the chest

    • 2. X-Pass to tight waist

    • 3. Bodylock pass

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    Week 7. High step pass options

    • 1. High step pass

    • 2. High step to Torreando

    • 3. High step to bodylock pass

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    Week 8. Wrestling up and single leg

    • 1. Wrestling up from guard - Single leg

    • 2. Finishing the high leg (single leg)

    • 3. Headlock prevention and backtake from single leg

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    Week 9. Pin escapes

    • 1. Side control escape

    • 2. Reverse shrimp escape

    • 3. Regaining half-guard into sumi-gaeshi

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    Week 10. Knee collapse, bodylock pass and frame problematics

    • 1. Knee collapse from HQ - Bodylock

    • 2. Knee collapse from butterfly

    • 3. Bodylock pass knee problematics

    • 4. Framing problematic (bodylock pass)

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    Week 11. taking the back from high-step pass

    • 1. Back take from high-step pass

    • 2. High step to scoop grip pass + Back take

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    Week 12. Choi bar

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    week 13. More Choi Bar

    • 1. Choi Bar grip adjustment

    • 2. Triangle and back take from Choi Bar

    • 3. Rau Drag to Choi Bar

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    Week 14. Attacking the Turtle

    • 1. Tight turtle back take. Seatbelt chair

    • 2. Triangle from chair seatbelt

    • 3 Thigh pry back take from turtle

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    Week 15. Ashi Garami and Z-Lock

    • 1. Ashi Garami off-balances

    • 2. Off-Balance to Cross Ashi Garami

    • 3. Cross Ashi to Z-Lock

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    Week 16. Split-Squat passes

    • 1. Split squat pass

    • 2. Split squat to knee collapse

    • 3. HQ to Knee slide

  • 18

    Week 17. Z-Lock and exposing the heel

    • 1. Zlock from cross-ashi

    • 2. Heel Exposure from cross-ashi

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    Week 18. Snap down and back take

    • 1. Circle snap

    • 2. Back take from snap down

    • 3. Back take from go behind

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    Week 19. 50/50 defense

    • 1. 50/50 counter attack from the get up

    • 2. 50-50 late defense - toe slip

    • 3. 50/50 get up and leg separation

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    Week 20. Wrestling up from open guard

    • 1. Staggered guard for wrestling up

    • 2. Elbow pass to single leg

    • 3. Hands snap to double leg

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    Week 21. Passing the butterfly guard

    • 1 Passing butterfly

    • 2. Crossface shift from split-squat

    • 3. Knee collapse from HQ

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    Week 22. Defenses from turtle

    • 1. Underhook & Makikomi

    • 2. Fighting the hands and granby roll

    • 3. Escaping the hooks from turtle

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    Week 23. back escapes

    • 1. Misdirection back escape

    • 2. Misdirection from the overhook side

    • 3. Escpaping the body triangle

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    Week 24. DLR off-balances and options

    • 1. DLR to X-Guard

    • 2. DLR to waiter sweep

    • 3. DLR back take

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    Week 25. Passing from HQ

    • 1. Leg pummel from HQ

    • 2. Front leg pummel from hq

    • 3. smash pass from hq

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    Week 26. Passing from HQ (2)

    • 1. HQ to knee slide

    • 2. Knee slide positioning

    • 3. Killing the knee shield from split squat

    • 4. Hip switch from HQ

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    Week 27. Half-guard pass against the underhook

    • 1. Countering the underhook from half-guard

    • 2. Variation to pass against the underhook

    • 3. High bodylock to counter the underhook

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    Week 28. Ankle locks, Aoki locks and options from heel hooks

    • 1. Ankle lock finishing mechanic

    • 2. Short hook ankle lock

    • 3. Aoki Lock

    • 4. Aoki lock from half-guard

    • 5. Outside heel hook option

    • 6. Back take from a failed outside heel hook

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    Week 29. Split squat passing and Kimura options

    • 1. Rau drag from split squat

    • 2. back take from Kimura

    • 3. Yoko senkaku + kimura

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    Week 30. Switch and defense from rear bodylock

    • 1. Switch to high crotch

    • 2. Defending the back take on a failed switch

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    Week 31. Back takes and makikomi from half-guard

    • 1. Arm drag from half guard

    • 2. Back take from the underhook in half-guard

    • 3. Makikomi from half-guard

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    Week 32. Half-guard back take and sweeps

    • 1. Back take from half-guard

    • 2. Sweep against the whizzer

    • 3. Sumi gaeshi to counter the guillotine

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    Week 33. Front headlock defense

    • 1. Elbow pass

    • 2. Misdirection elbow pass

    • 3. Guillotine rolling escape

    • 4. High elbow guillotine gator roll

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    Week 34. Guillotines and Anaconda (finishing mechanics)

    • 1. Arm-in guillotine finish

    • 2. High wrist guillotine finish

    • 3. Anaconda finish

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    Week 35. Anaconda, d'arce and go behind

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    Week 36. DLR options (Sweep, Ashi entry & Back take)

    • 1. DLR off-balances tripod sweep

    • 2. DLR to Ashi Garami

    • 3. DLR back take

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    Week 37. Leglocks & back takes

    • 1. Back take from outside heel hook

    • 2. Outside heel hook to inside finish

    • 3. Back take from Cross-Ashi

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    Week 38. Aoki and Ankle lock dilemma

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    Week 39. Torreando as an opening move

    • 1. Torreando & concept

    • 2. Torreando to shin pin to x-pass

    • 3. Torreando to north south

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    Week 40. High step pass as an opening move

    • 1. High step (loose)

    • 2. north south pass from high step

    • 3. scoop grip pass

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    Week 41. Sumi Gaeshi from butterfly

    • 1. Sumi Gaeshi from butterfly

    • 2. Sumi Gaeshi when opponents bases

    • 3. Pinch headlock crunch

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    Week 42. Shoulder crunch and Ude Gatame

    • 1. Shoulder crunch

    • 2. Ude Gatame

    • 3. Ude gatame to lower body attacks

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    Week 43. Reverse Z-Guard / Yoko Sumi Gaeshi

    • 1. Yoko sumi gaeshi (audio issue)

    • 2. Hip heist from Yoko Sumi Gaeshi

    • 3. Cross Ashi entry from Yoko Sumi Gaeshi

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    Week 44. Single leg defense

    • 1. Single leg defense

    • 2. Single leg defense (2)

    • 3. single leg defense from standing

    • 4. Spin through defense

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    Week 45. Duck under and mat return

    • 1. Duck under

    • 2. Misdirection duck under

    • 3. Mat return

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    Week 46. Split squat passing

    • 1. Knee slide from split squat

    • 2. Beating the upper body frames (knee slide)

    • 3. Pressure passing from split-squat

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    Week 47. Countering the underhook from split squat

    • 1. Killing the underhook from split-squat

    • 2. Underhook counter #2

    • 3. Backstep from split-squat

  • 49

    Week 48. Tripod and modified X-pass from split squat

    • 1. Beating the knee shield with pressure

    • 2. split squat tripod pass

    • 3. Side x-pass from knee shield

  • 50

    Week 49. Sumi Gaeshi and pinch headlock

    • 1. Vertical Sumi Gaeshi

    • 2. Head & Arm Sumi Gaeshi

    • 3. Failed Sumi Gaeshi to Ashi Garami

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    Week 50. Back step pass vs DLR

    • 1. Back step from DLR

    • 2. Back step details vs DLR

    • 3. Countering the octopus from the backstep

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    Week 51. Countering the butterfly elevation

    • 1. Countering butterfly elevation

    • 2. Countering the elevation to the kneecut

    • 3. Tripod pass

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    Week 52. Armbar escapes

    • 1. Stacking escape

    • 2. Three quarter juji escape

    • 3. Hitchhiker escape

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    Week 53. DLR passing and Counter pressure leg drag

    • 1. Untying the DLR

    • 2. Counter pressure leg drag from DLR

    • 3. counter pressure leg drag to X pass

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    Week 54. Cross grip anaconda and Yoko senkaku

    • 1. Following the roll & anaconda finishing mechanics

    • 2. Cross grip anaconda

    • 3. Cross grip headlock to yoko senkaku

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    Week 55. Head & arm attacks and cross-grip anaconda

    • 1. Countering the underhook with a headlock

    • 2. sitting back with the head & arm

    • 3. Back take from the front headlock

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    Week 56. Rolling front headlock

    • 1. Rolling front headlock

    • 2. Controling with the underhook and overhook (video issue cuts a little bit)

    • 3. Finishing mechanics cross-grip anaconda

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    Week 57. Belly roll counter wrestling and front headlock

    • 1. Belly roll single leg defense

    • 2. Gator roll to cross grip

    • 3. Anaconda and scissor guillotine finish from cross-grip

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    Week 58. Side control pin and submissions exposure

    • 1. Side control pin

    • 2. Back take from side control

    • 3. Forcing turtle from side control and cross-grip front head

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    Week 59. Side control and back exposure

    • 1. North south control

    • 2. Back take from side control using cross-body ride

    • 3. Misdirectional back exposure

  • 61

    Week 60. Ashi Garami Balance & defense

    • 1. Ashi Garami balance drill

    • 2. Ashi Garami back step

    • 3. Ashi Garami front step

    • 4. Back and front step against X-Guard

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    Week. 61 Ashi Garami and reap counters

    • 1. Forcing the reap to defend Ashi Garami

    • 2. Heel hook counter from the reap

    • 3. wedging back take from the reap

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    Week 62. hip on the floor Ashi Garami defense

    • 1. Ashi Defense on the ground

    • 2. Counter leglock from outside ashi

    • 3. Getting up from outside ashi

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    Week 63. Cross Ashi Garami defenses

    • 1. Cross-Ashi turning escape

    • 2. Heel slip and toe slip

    • 3. Counter heel hook from cross ashi

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    Week 64. Camping positioning

    • 1. Camping positionning

    • 2. x-pass from camp

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    Week 65. High ground attacks and set ups

    • 1. No underhook knee slide to north south

    • 2. High ground to yoko senkaku and kimura

    • 3. High ground to d'arce

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    Week 66. Chair sit back take and attacks

    • 1. Chair sit back take

    • 2. Triangle from the chair sit

    • 3. RNC finish using the lat trap

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    Week 67. Back take against a standing opponent

    • 1. back take against a opponent standing up from turtle

    • 2. Roger's hook

    • 3. Mat return and back take

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    Week 68. Z-Guard reversals and attacks

    • 1. Kosoto sweep from z-guard

    • 2. Triangle from Z-guard

    • 3. Arm drag sweep from z Guard

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    Week 69. Z-Guard attacks (part 2)

    • 1. armdrag to outside heel hook

    • 2. back take from outside heel hook

    • 3. Snapdown from failed sumi gaeshi

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    Week 70. Arm drag as wrestling counter

    • 1. Armdrag from single leg

    • 2. Armdrag from double leg

    • 3. Reverse Tai-Otoshi