Course curriculum

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    • Countering the underhook

    • Variation to pass against the underhook

    • High bodylock to counter the underhook

    • Split squat knee slide

    • Split squat to knee collapse

    • Split squat Rau Drag to Choi Bar

    • Rau drag from split squat

    • Back take from Kimura

    • Yoko senkaku + kimura (off the pass)

    • Knee slide from split squat

    • Beating the upper body frames (knee slide)

    • Pressure passing from split-squat

    • Killing the underhook from split-squat

    • Underhook counter #2 (from split-squat)

    • Beating the knee shield with tripod pressure

    • Split squat high tripod pass

    • Side x-pass from knee shield

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    Headquarters (HQ)

    • Leg pummel from HQ

    • front leg pummel from hq

    • Smash pass from hq

    • HQ to knee slide (1)

    • HQ to Knee slide (2)

    • Knee slide positioning (HQ)

    • Killing the knee shield from split squat

    • Hip switch from HQ

    • Knee collapse from HQ & Bodylock

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    Butterfly guard

    • Countering butterfly elevation with knee pummel

    • Butterfly pummel and Crossface shift from split-squat

    • Butterfly pummel and Knee collapse from HQ

    • Knee collapse from butterfly

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    • Bodylock pass (1)

    • Bodylock from HQ

    • Knee problematic

    • Framing problematic

    • X-Pass to tight waist

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    Attacking the turtle

    • Tight turtle back take. Seatbelt chair

    • Triangle from chair seatbelt

    • Thigh pry back take from turtle

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    Loose Passing

    • High step pass (1)

    • High step to Torreando (1)

    • High step to bodylock pass

    • Back take from high-step pass

    • High step to scoop grip pass to Back take

    • X-pass

    • X-Pass to tight waist

    • Torreando & concept

    • Torreando to shin pin to x-pass

    • Torreando to north south

    • High step (loose, opening move)

    • Loose high step to north south scoop grip pass

    • Scoop grip pass from against the high leg (off the high step)

    • Untying the DLR

    • Counter pressure leg drag from DLR

    • Counter pressure leg drag to X pass

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    Side control

    • Side control pin

    • Back take from side control

    • Front headlock cross-grip from side control

    • North south control

    • Back take from side control (cross-body ride)

    • Side control to misdirectional back exposure