Course curriculum

  • 1

    Back escapes

    • Misdirection back escape

    • Misdirection from the overhook side

    • Escpaping the body triangle

  • 2

    Turtle defense & escapes

    • Underhook & Makikomi

    • Fighting the hands and granby roll

    • Escaping the hooks from turtle

  • 3

    Leglock defense

    • 50/50 counter attack from the get up

    • 50/50 late defense - toe slip

    • 50/50 get up and leg separation

    • Getting up from outside ashi

    • Counter leglock from outside Ashi

    • Defending Ashi Garami on the ground

  • 4

    Pin escapes

    • Side control escape

    • Reverse shrimp escape

    • Regaining half-guard from bottom side into sumi-gaeshi

  • 5

    Front Headlock and strangle escapes

    • Elbow pass

    • Misdirection elbow pass

    • Guillotine rolling escape

    • High elbow guillotine gator roll

  • 6

    Armbar escapes

    • 1. Stacking escape

    • 2. Three quarter juji escape

    • 3. Hitchhiker escape